Monday, 23 May 2016

Selecting a Drum Kit

Selecting a Drum Kit

[+]/[-] buttons are used to increases or decreases the current
parameter or change the values of MENU settings.
After powering up, the module will be in Pattern mode.
The display look like:
1. Press [KIT] to enter the KIT mode,
LCD display the kit number and name “Acoust-1”.
2. Use [+]/[-] BUTTONS or Numeric Keys to select a kit.
There are 100 kits in the module:
50 Preset kit [001-050]
50 User kit [051-100]
Refer to the appendix KIT list for a complete list of kit
3. Hit the pads to play the current kit.

connectin to a pc or laptop

Via the USB Connector
This receives and transmits MIDI messages.
Via the MIDI Connectors
These ports allow communication with other products equipped
with a MIDI interface or USB Host interface.
MIDI IN Connector
This receives MIDI messages transmitted from an external MIDI
device or a computer.
MIDI OUT Connector
Pad performance data is transmitted from this connector to
connected computer or MIDI device.
For more information, please refer to the MIDI chapter